Why isn't my gift card working at the checkout?Updated 9 months ago
Here are the main reasons your voucher may not be working:
You have entered the code incorrectly:
Sometimes digits and letters get mixed up. (EG 'I' and '1', 'O' and '0')
TIP: If you have been sent a digital voucher, it is best to copy and paste the code directly
You are using the incorrect site for the country your voucher came from:
ALL vouchers that were purchased on our AU Website can ONLY be used on our AU Website (even if you are in another country).
If you have used a partial amount of the gift card in-store, then the remaining amount can only be used in-store, however, we can convert this manually, please reach out to us via email.
If you are still having issues, please contact us HERE with an image of your gift card so we can assist 😊